comet banner Volcanic and Magmatic Deformation Portal
Worldwide Database of Volcanic Ground Deformation

Welcome to the COMET Volcano Deformation Portal

This site is in continual development. Currently, analysis tools are only active for volcanoes where the majority of Sentinel-1 imagery has been processed.

Satellite-based Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) measurements have the potential to make a unique contribution to volcano monitoring. We can use the change in phase between radar images acquired on different days to measure small displacements of the Earth’s surface, which can sometimes provide critical information about a volcano’s level of activity and the movement of magma in the Earth’s crust.

InSAR can be especially valuable for volcano monitoring where ground-based instrumentation is limited or where volcanoes are far away from the observatory. There is now much more satellite imagery routinely acquired and freely available than ever before, increasing its potential for identifying new volcanic unrest and understanding magma movement. However, there are major obstacles to routinely using satellite radar at most volcano observatories, including limited computing resources and staff time to process and analyse very large volumes of imagery.

This portal aims to address these challenges by providing tools for the online analysis of automatically processed LiCSAR Sentinel-1 interferograms. The analysis tools available here are designed to allow observatory volcanologists to (1) search quickly through processed imagery for deformation and (2) to make a critical assessment of whether any apparent signals are likely to be noise or true displacements. The tools currently available include calculation of displacement timeseries profile plotting and probability maps for volcanic deformation predicted by machine learning methods.

Interpreting an observation of new deformation at a volcano is aided by understanding its deformation history. This site also archives records of past measurements of volcanic deformation, including measurements of a lack of deformation (‘null’ results) and some unpublished observations.

You can navigate to any volcano using the interactive map below or from the Volcano Index, where you can also search by volcano name. There is guidance on how to us the online analysis tools to interrogate Sentinel-1 imagery available here, and about the design of the deformation catalogue here.

Max interferograms per frame

Recent activity

32 volcanos with events automatically detected in past year

Volcano Date
afdera 2024-01-23 View
Agung 2023-12-19 View
Alayta 2024-03-16 View
Ale Bagu 2024-06-08 View
Avachinsky 2024-06-17 View
Caichinque 2024-05-07 View
Cerro Azul 2024-06-23 View
Cerro Overo 2024-07-31 View
Chiliques 2024-04-01 View
Cordon del Azufre 2024-06-12 View
Dieng Volcanic Complex 2023-12-22 View
Erta Ale 2024-01-23 View
Fentale 2024-09-24 View
Fernandina 2024-07-17 View
fujisan 2024-05-29 View
Haleakala 2023-11-05 View
Irruputuncu 2024-08-12 View
Kilauea 2024-01-31 View
Mauna Kea 2023-12-26 View
Miñiques 2024-04-25 View
miyakejima 2023-10-21 View
Olca-Paruma 2023-11-21 View
Ollagüe 2024-02-26 View
Putana 2023-11-21 View
Reykjanes 2024-02-28 View
Sairecábur 2023-12-04 View
Sierra Negra 2024-07-29 View
Tacora 2023-11-03 View
Tambora 2023-11-08 View
Tata Sabaya 2023-11-22 View
wolf 2024-07-16 View
Yali 2024-06-05 View