comet banner Volcanic and Magmatic Deformation Portal
Worldwide Database of Volcanic Ground Deformation

Marapi 261140

These tools can be used to interrogate interferograms constructed automatically by LiCSAR – details of how to use them can be found here. Select the Sentinel-1 frame you want to interrogate from the buttons at the top of the page (frame definitions can be found on the LiCSAR portal).

Sentinel 1 frame

Time series analysis

Panel 1: Time series Analysis. Explore the LiCSBAS time series of apparent displacement, selecting your point or area to plot (green) and a reference area (red). You can examine both average phase coherence and cumulative displacement to help with your choice. The time series for your selected point can be displayed with and without temporal filtering, and start and end points can be selected using the sliders. Use the profile or surface plot tools to compare the shape of the apparent displacement to underlying topography.

Displacement data resolution

GACOS correction

Displacement data type

No displacement data available.

Map tiles from Sentinel-2 cloudless by EOX IT Services GmbH
(Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data)

No LiCSAR data available

Individual LiCSAR interferograms

Panel 2: Individual LiCSAR Interferograms. Inspect individual wrapped and unwrapped interferograms (cm) and their coherence. Select your interferogram using the slider.

GACOS correction

Data downloads

No probability data available

Probability of high magnitude deformation

Panel 3: Probability of high magnitude deformation. Probability of individual interferogram containing volcanic deformation, assessed using deep learning methods. Probabilities are displayed on a scale of 0 to 1, where values of >0.5 are flagged as potential deformation. The implementation of machine learning methods currently available through the portal is based on assessment of individual interferograms. We estimate that the detection threshold in an individual interferogram is one fringe (2.8 cm), which equates to a minimum rate of 28 cm/yr for a 36 day interferogram (85 cm/yr for a 12 day pair). Please note that real deformation with lower rates is unlikely to be flagged. Maximum (orange) and mean (blue) probabilities of deformation for each interferogram are shown according to interferogram number, which is also indicated on the slider for comparison. Where the mean is close to the maximum value, the deforming area is likely to be large. Potential deformation is indicated above the slider as a grey bar.
